Top 10 Effective Ways to Control Earwig Infestations in Your Home

Top 10 Effective Ways to Control Earwig Infestations in Your Home

Top 10 Effective Ways to Control Earwig Infestations in Your Home

Earwigs, with their pincer-like cerci at the end of their abdomens, can send shivers down the spine of even the most composed individuals. These insects are known for invading homes, especially during the warm weather months, seeking shelter and food. If you’ve noticed these creepy crawlers in your living spaces, fear not! This blog post will detail the top 10 effective ways to control earwig infestations in your home, ensuring a peaceful cohabitation with these unwanted guests.

A close-up photograph of an earwig insect on a plant leaf, showcasing its distinctive pincers and antennae
A close-up photograph of an earwig insect on a plant leaf, showcasing its distinctive pincers and antennae

Understanding Earwigs

Before diving into the methods to control earwig infestations, it’s essential to understand these insects better. Earwigs are nocturnal creatures that primarily feed on decaying plants, fungi, and insects. They can also nibble on living plants in gardens, causing damage. While earwigs are generally harmless to humans, their presence in large numbers can be unsettling. By implementing the following control methods, you can keep their populations in check.

1. Remove Moisture Sources

Like many pests, earwigs are drawn to damp environments. To discourage their presence in your home, it’s crucial to eliminate any moisture sources that might attract them. Fix leaky pipes, ensure proper drainage around your home, and use dehumidifiers in areas prone to high humidity levels.


  • Check for standing water in and around your home.
  • Use waterproof sealants to repair any leaks.
  • Ventilate basements and crawl spaces to reduce humidity.

2. Seal Entry Points

Earwigs can enter your home through tiny cracks, gaps, and crevices. Inspect the exterior of your house for potential entry points and seal them off to prevent these insects from gaining easy access.


  • Use silicone caulk to seal gaps around doors and windows.
  • Install door sweeps to block entry under doors.
  • Repair damaged window screens.

3. Declutter Your Living Spaces

Clutter provides hiding spots for earwigs and makes it challenging to detect and remove them. Keep your living spaces tidy and organized to reduce potential habitats for these pests.


  • Regularly clean and declutter basements, attics, and storage areas.
  • Store firewood and outdoor debris away from the house.
  • Vacuum and dust frequently to remove hiding spots.
Before: A cluttered room with earwigs visible on the floor and furniture, indicating an infestation. After: A clean and tidy room with no earwigs in sight, following successful treatment and pest control measures.
Before: A cluttered room with earwigs visible on the floor and furniture, indicating an infestation. After: A clean and tidy room with no earwigs in sight, following successful treatment and pest control measures.

4. Create a Barrier

Creating a physical barrier around your home can help deter earwigs from entering. Use diatomaceous earth, a natural insecticide, or apply a residual insecticide around the perimeter to create a protective barrier.


  • Apply diatomaceous earth along the foundation of your home.
  • Use a residual insecticide spray around entry points and potential hiding spots.
  • Reapply barriers after rain or watering.

5. Natural Predators

Introducing natural predators of earwigs can help control their populations. Consider attracting birds, frogs, toads, and ground beetles to your yard, as they feed on earwigs and other garden pests.


  • Install bird feeders and bird baths to attract insect-eating birds.
  • Create habitats for frogs and toads with ponds or shelter.
  • Plant flowering plants to attract ground beetles.

6. Trap and Monitor

Setting up traps can help capture earwigs and monitor their activity in and around your home. You can use oil traps, damp newspaper traps, or commercially available sticky traps to catch these insects.


  • Place traps in dark, moist areas where earwigs are likely to hide.
  • Check traps regularly and dispose of captured earwigs.
  • Monitor trap activity to assess the effectiveness of control measures.

7. Reduce Outdoor Lighting

Earwigs are attracted to light sources, especially outdoor lights at night. By reducing outdoor lighting or using yellow insect-repellent bulbs, you can minimize the attraction of earwigs to your home.


  • Use motion-activated lights instead of continuous lighting.
  • Replace white light bulbs with yellow bug lights.
  • Keep outdoor lighting fixtures clean to reduce attractiveness to earwigs.

8. Essential Oils

Certain essential oils, such as cedarwood, peppermint, and citrus oils, are known to repel earwigs and other insects. Create a natural repellent spray by diluting these oils with water and spray it in areas where earwigs are present.


  • Mix a few drops of essential oil with water in a spray bottle.
  • Spray the solution around doorways, windows, and potential entry points.
  • Reapply the repellent regularly for continued protection.

9. Organic Controls

For those who prefer organic methods of pest control, there are several options to combat earwigs in your home. Diatomaceous earth, neem oil, and insecticidal soaps can effectively deter and kill earwigs without harmful chemicals.


  • Dust diatomaceous earth in areas where earwigs congregate.
  • Use neem oil spray on plants and porous surfaces.
  • Apply insecticidal soap to kill earwigs on contact.
An infographic illustrating the lifecycle stages of earwigs, from egg to adult, alongside prevention methods such as:
Sealing entry points
Removing moisture sources
Decluttering and cleaning
Using traps and repellents
Sealing food and waste properly
An infographic illustrating the lifecycle stages of earwigs, from egg to adult, alongside prevention methods such as: Sealing entry points Removing moisture sources Decluttering and cleaning Using traps and repellents Sealing food and waste properly

10. Professional Pest Control

If earwig infestations persist despite your best efforts, it may be time to consult with a professional pest control service. Experienced technicians can assess the extent of the infestation and recommend targeted treatments to eradicate earwigs from your home.


  • Research and select a reputable pest control company.
  • Discuss your concerns and preferences with the technicians.
  • Follow any post-treatment guidelines provided by the professionals.

Remember, prevention is key when it comes to controlling earwig infestations. By implementing these ten effective strategies, you can maintain a pest-free home and live harmoniously with nature’s less-than-welcome visitors. Don’t let earwigs take over your living spaces – take control today!

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